Filter reference
In general DLT-Filter can be used to:
- add messages passing the filter to the current view (
) - remove messages passing the filter from the current view (
) - mark messages passing the filter with a specific background color (
Additionally they can be used to:
- generate events (
) that are used to- generate a graphical report or
- used for timesync feature to synchronise time stamps between logs.
For generation reports from filters see features: report generation.
When is a DLT message shown in a view?
The rules that determine whether a message is shown are similar to DLT-Viewer:
- If no filter is active all messages are shown.
- If no positive filter is active all messages are shown that are not filtered out by negative filters.
- If any positive filter is active only those messages passing:
- any (
) of the positive filtersand
- are not filtered out by any of the negative filters.
todo: add plantuml chart
Filter match attributes
A filter has the following attributes that determine the matching criteria:
attribute name | expected type | default value | description |
type | number | none | Mandatory type. Use 0 for positive, 1 for negative, 2 for marker and 3 for event based filter. |
mstp | number | undefined | Message type. 0 for TYPE_LOG , 1 for TYPE_APP_TRACE , 2 for TYPE_NW_TRACE , 3 for TYPE_CONTROL . |
ecu | string | undefined | ECU identifier / ECU. Up to 4 characters. |
ecuIsRegex | boolean | no value = 'autodetect' | Optional. See apidIsRegex . |
apid | string | undefined | Application identifier / APID . Up to 4 characters. |
apidIsRegex | boolean | no value = 'autodetect' | Optional. If provided the apid is treated according to the value as true:regex, false:no regex. If not provided the apid is treated as regex if it contains any special regex characters: ^$*+?()[]{}|.-\=!<, |
ctid | string | undefined | Context identifier / CTID. Up to 4 characters. |
ctidIsRegex | boolean | no value = 'autodetect' | Optional. See apidIsRegex . |
logLevelMin | number | undefined | Minimum log-level. I.e. log-level of the message has to be >= to match. If specified mstp is automatically set to 0. See Log levels for values and examples. |
logLevelMax | number | undefined | Same as logLevelMin but for the maximum log-level, i.e. log-level of the message has to be <= logLevelMax to match. See Log levels for values and examples. |
verbose | boolean | undefined | verbose or non-verbose messages. Verbose flag is part of the extended header of a DLT msg and defaults to false if the ext. header doesn't exist. |
payload | string | undefined | String that is searched in the (textual) representation of the message payload. Matches if the string is contained within the payload. |
payloadRegex | string | undefined | Regular expression that the full (textual) representation of the message payload has to match against. This is in general faster than payload if e.g. ^ for the begin of the text is used. E.g. ^Exception: is faster than payload ="Exception:" as the search can be stopped at the first characters already if the payload doesn't start with "Exc..." |
ignoreCasePayload | boolean | false | Determines whether payload or payloadRegex is using case sensitive (default) or ignoring case searches. With payload for case insensitive search both strings are converted to (ascii) upper case first. For regex the "i" option is used (javascript implementation) or (?i) (adlt/rust implementation). |
Undefined attributes are ignored.
For a message to match all defined attributes have to match (logical and
). See not
below to negate the match result.
In general all available log messages - which can easily be more than 10 million messages in larger log files - have to be matched against the filters.
To speed up the match-comparision it's usually a good practice to specify as many attributes as possible. E.g. typically apid
and ctid
should only be used in cases when you deal with DLT-files that have multiple ECUs logs in the same file. See configs for an alternative way to quickly disable filters not relevant for the current ECU.
For apid
and ctid
the regular expressions are roughly 6 times slower (e.g. 35ns vs 6ns) and should only be used if necessary.
Payload text checks should use payloadRegex
instead of payload
except for the cases where you really do want to search simply for substring somewhere in the payload. The amount of necessary steps during regex comparision are nicely shown on pages like regex101.
E.g. to match for messages with
Operation (any name) failed
but not Operation (any name) succeeded
messages a regex like
^Operation .*? failed
(53 steps) is faster than Operation .* failed
(70 steps for 3 test strings).
In general the filter for ecu, apid, ctid expect 4 characters. If less characters are used the regex search is different that the default/non-regex ones: e.g.
version | example | description |
default | "apid":"ECU" | default/non-regex matches against apid ECU\0 . So starting with ECU and then (null byte). |
"apidIsRegex":true | "apid":"ECU" | regex matches against 'ECU' within apid. So e.g. "ECU1" or "AECU" or "ECU" all match. |
regex | "apid":"^ECU" | autodetected regex matches against starting with 'ECU'. So e.g. "ECU" or "ECU1" match but not "AECU". |
Especially the payloadRegex
consists frequently of characters that need to be escaped in JSON.
If using the DLT filter assistant to create filters this is done automatically. If you modify the JSON settings manually please keep this in mind and escape the strings properly.
You can use the following code snippet to quickly escape/unescape your string:
Additional filter attributes
Additionaly a filter has the following attributes:
attribute name | expected type | default value | description |
name | string | - | Optional name for the filter. If not specified an autogenerated name based on the attributes is used, see autogenerated filter name. |
enabled | boolean | true | If this is set to false the filter will never match any message, i.e. is not active. |
not | boolean | false | Negate the match result expect for enabled |
atLoadTime | boolean | false | This filter is evaluated during initial file opening. This is useful to reduce the load times and size of large DLT-files. Any changes to the filter are only applied after the file is closed and newly opened. |
filterColour | string or object | undefined | only for type=2 (MARKER) or type=0 (POSITIVE): If a string is provided it specifies the border color to be used for the marker. This can be any css color like red or hexadecimal color e.g. #ff0000 (see e.g. w3schools). To set other colors than the border color an object can be used. E.g. {"backgroundColor":"blue"} . See decoration options. |
decorationId | string | undefined | only for type=2 (MARKER) or type=0 (POSITIVE). Specifies the "decorationId" to the be used for the marker. (Deprecated. Use filterColour object settings). |
timeSyncId | string | undefined | only in conjunction with payloadRegex and timeSyncPrio . See Time Sync. |
timeSyncPrio | number | undefined | only in conjunction with timeSyncId . |
reportOptions | JSON object | undefined | see Report generation. |
configs | JSON array of strings | undefined | see Configs |
Log levels
DLT specifies the following log-levels:
log-level | value |
LOG_WARN | 3 |
LOG_INFO | 4 |
To add all messages with warnings, error or fatal messages use a positive filter with logLevelMax = 3
To remove all messages with INFO, DEBUG or VERBOSE even from other matching filters add negative
filter with logLevelMin = 4
How to interpret the autogenerated filter name
The filter name shows the following information:
: if the filter is currently not enabled.- name: the optional name attribute it available
- type:
(event) (load time)
: for load time filters!
: for "not" / negate filtermstp
: if specified>= log-level
: if logLevelMin is specified<= log-level
: if logLevelMax is specifiedVERB
: if filter for verbose msgs is specifiedNON-VERB
: if filter for non-verbose msgs is specified- ECU:.., APID:..., CTID:...: if specified
payload contains '...'
: if payload is specifiedpayload matches '...'
: if payloadRegex is specifiedin .. LCs
: if lifecycles is specified (todo see ...)timeSyncId: ... prio:...
: if timeSync is specified.
decoration options
Filter markers can use the full color capabilities provided by the VS-Code API DecorationRenderOptions. Excerpt:
property | description |
backgroundColor | Background color (as css color like for string based filterColour) |
borderColor | Color of the border (used for string based filterColour). E.g. "blue" . Needs to be used with borderWidth and borderStyle together. |
borderWidth | With of the border as CSS styling property. E.g. "1px" . |
borderStyle | Style applied to the border. E.g. "dotted" . |
color | Color of the text. E.g. green . |
overviewRulerColor | Color of the decoration in the overview ruler. |
overviewRulerLane | Lane to use. Possible values: 2 (center), 7 (full), 1 (left), 4 (right). |
The isWholeLine
property is automatically applied.
You can provide different settings for light and dark themes, e.g. {"light":{...}, "dark":{...}}
If you provide the overviewRulerColor
and overviewRulerLane
properties the marker is visible in the overview ruler as well!
"overviewRulerLane":1, // left