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SOME/IP decoder plugin

DLT-Logs extension version >= 1.10.0 come with a built-in SOME/IP decoder plugin.


SOME/IP messages will be decoded like this:

APID TC   ipc      > (632a:0005) ServiceName(0080).set_fieldName_field{"fieldName":field_value}[OK]


>SOME/IP request. Other symbols here are < for response, * for notification, \ for request wo. response / fire&forget or ! for errors.
(632a:0005)Client id (here 632a) and session id (here 5) as hex numbers.
ServiceNameShort name of the service decoded.
(0080)Instance id in hex.
set_fieldName_fieldMethod or event short name. Here a SETTER for field fieldName is called.
{...}Decoded payload of the method. Here fieldNameis set to field_value.
[OK]Return code of the SOME/IP message.


You have to configure the SOME/IP plugin. To configure the plugin call

Use F1 or Ctrl+Shift+P and enter/select command "Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)".
"dlt-logs.plugins": [
"enabled": true, // you can set it to false to disable the plugin
"fibexDir": "/home/...", // or "c:\\...". Set it to the folder containing your FIBEX files.
"ctid": "TC", // optional ctid. Defaults to "TC" if not set
"mtin": 1 // optional MTIN. Defaults to MTIN_NW_TRACE (1) if not set
"name": "FileTransfer", // config for file transfer plugin...

The fibexDir needs to point to a folder containing the FIBEX files with extension .xml. Please keep the files uncompressed (no .zip, no .tgz) there.


You can keep multiple files in the folder. They will be sorted in descending order alphabetically first before loading. So if you have multiple files e.g. with a SW revision as part of the file name the one with the latest SW revision will be loaded first. This is important as on loading further files only new services/methods will be added. So the files loaded first determine the version used. Anyhow please dont keep files from older versions as opening and parsing them takes CPU time!


If you changed the content of the folder for now you do need to open a new file or use Developer: Reload window to reload the window incl. the extension host.


In the tree-view you'll find more information about the loaded service and methods under

|- SOME/IP Decoder
|- Services (<number of services loaded>)
| - <list of all loaded services with short name and version>
| - <list of all methods for each service with short name >
| - Datatypes (<number of datatypes loaded>)
| - Codings (<number of (en-)codings for datatypes loaded>)

The tooltip of each item contains more info e.g. the description (if available in the FIBEX).

(todo add picture)


From the tree view you can directly apply a filter for a service or method/field/event with the adjust filter to hide details (if the items are currently visible) or adjust filter to show more details icon button on the right hand side of the tree view item.

Using the open report icon you can directly open a graphical report showing the service or field data over time! (todo add picture)

Encoding of SOME/IP messages in DLT log message

The decoder assumes that the message is encoded as type NW_TRACE with the configured MTIN and CTID.See Configuration. The SOME/IP message itself is encoded as two raw message payloads:

  1. 4 bytes with the IPv4 address, 2 bytes with the udp/tcp, 1 byte protocol (0 = local, 1 = tcp, 2 = udp), 1 byte indicating incoming or outgoing message and 1,2 or 4 bytes encoded instance ID.
  2. SOME/IP header (16 bytes) and payload


  • Little testing. If you have encounter any problems please raise an issue in github!